What has a bed but does not sleep, and can run but cannot walk?

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How can you say “Robert and Richard Purchased A Rottweiler”, without using any R’s?

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How do you spell hard water with only three letters?

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What has a bed but doesn’t sleep and a mouth but never eats?

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A woman is sitting in her room at night. She has no lights on, no candle, no lamp, no light at all and yet she is reading. How is that possible?

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What has keys but no locks, Space but no room, You can enter but you can’t exit?

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What has a head and a tail, but no body?

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It is a Sunday morning and a man comes to find his wife dead. The maid said she was cleaning the kitchen, the mailman said he was delivering mail, the nanny said he was teaching the kids, and the farmer said he was harvesting his crops. Who done it?

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A son and engineer go fishing. The boy was the engineer’s son but the engineer wasn’t the boy’s dad. How was this possible?

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What is the tree that we all carry in our hand?

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